Five Important Tasks You Should Ask Your Office Cleaners to Pay Extra Special Attention To

Posted on: 3 February 2017

Office cleaning professionals are generally a pretty thorough bunch, but there are a few things that aren't included in standard cleaning packages that, for the good of your office and workers, you might want to specifically ask them to do!

#1: Deep-clean all keyboards occasionally to deal with a surprising harbinger of germs and grime.

A few years back, it hit the news that keyboards are actually filthy. As technology advances, there's one thing that hasn't changed--office keyboards remain safe harbours for all kinds of nasty things you don't want your workforce coming down with! Protect your health and that of your employees by asking your cleaning service to pay special attention to the keyboards as they make their daily rounds. They'll need a little more than a simple wipe down--find out if your cleaners are able to use compressed air on them from time to time to get all the grit and dust out as well.

#2: Thoroughly dust and vacuum along and around all the PC towers and any other electrical equipment with a vent to increase its lifespan.

The visible areas of your desks and under-desk spaces are probably already having plenty of attention paid to them, but dust drifts round to the back of computer towers and gets in the vents. This makes machines clog up and run slowly, puts pressure on the internal fans, creates noise and limits the lifespans of your desktops. Make sure they're being vacuumed all the way around, especially in the fan area at the back!

#3: Have a really good look through and wipe down of any empty desks that have recently been vacated by their former occupants.

People who are leaving a job don't always take the time to clear their desk properly, and it can be too easy to not realise some foodstuff or other perishable item was left in a desk drawer. Make sure they're properly looked through before it's too late.

#4: Keep any internal glass as sparklingly clean as possible to help with morale and the general look and feel of your shared working space.

Exterior windows are usually cleaned on a regular schedule, but ones between rooms get grimy too--and dirty glass can have more of an effect on the feel of your working environment than you might realise till it's all cleaned up. Ask your cleaners to give them the same attention as they do all the other panes in the building.

#5: Sweep the outside of your office as well as the inside, paying particular attention to the doorstep.

Now that smoking areas inside office buildings are a thing of the past, smokers tend to congregate in any available shelter outdoors--particularly when it's raining. Cigarette ends are a horrible way to welcome someone to a building, so make sure they're getting swept up frequently.
