How to Protect Your Floor Coverings from Kitty's Indiscretions

Posted on: 24 October 2018

Do you have a number of four-legged friends within your household, each of whom is a valued and loving member of the family, even though they can sometimes drive you crazy with their antics? You may understand that it is difficult to control these cats or dogs, as they sometimes appear to have a mind of their own, and this is especially the case when it comes to various 'accidents' from time to time. If you've been dealing with carpet stains and imperfections that are largely a result of animal interaction, you may look at your expensive floor treatments with some despair and wonder how much it's going to cost you to replace them. However, you might not have to take such drastic action, and you may be able to restore them using a number of different methods. How should you proceed?

Straight for the Carpet

Isn't it strange how your cat will make a beeline for your most expensive carpet or rug when they're feeling under the weather? They may throw up right in the middle, rather than deviating just a couple of metres to the side and being ill on the tiled floor instead. You may sympathise with the fact that they are under the weather, although you feel as if they may be doing this on purpose just to get back at you for some reason. Whichever way you look at it, the chemicals within the deposit are certainly going to stain and disfigure the rug.

Bleaching Through

In fact, if you don't act quickly, this deposit can bleach through the surface and quickly remove the colour from the rug or carpet. Your pride and joy may look much the worse for wear, and you may be counting up the cost in your mind when it comes to replacement.

Selective Dyeing

Technology may yet come to the rescue, however, as it is perfectly possible to match the damaged area to its surroundings and restore the problem spot to the original colour. Selective dyeing is the answer here, and it can certainly help to get rid of stubborn stains and restore the entire area to a like-new condition.

All in One

If you've been suffering with months or even years of tiny accidents, you can always choose to dye the complete carpet or rug, rather than deal with individual spots, and this may be the best approach in the worst situation.

Back to Normal

So, you don't need to yell at your furry pets any more, as you know that there is an answer to their indiscretion. Talk with your carpet repair specialists for further advice on carpet dyeing.
